Breastfeeding Classes:
Breastfeeding classes are offered every other month by Connie Blokkum, APRN, CNM. The cost is $20.00 per Couple payable by PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. These classes are currently taught virtual.
You are encouraged to become involved with a local La Leche League group, especially if this is your first baby or have had breastfeeding difficulties in the past. Katy Birth Center offers lactation help for those clients who deliver their babies with us as part of the package of care. We also have referral sources listed on Our Others We Know Of page.
Postpartum care:
Postpartum care of mother and newborn baby classes are offered every other month by our Staff Midwives. This class is referred to as the Newborn Care Class. The cost is $20 per couple, payable by Cash, Check, PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App, if you attend one of the Saturday group classes. The cost is $40 per couple, (no Checks), for a private or small group class held at Katy Birth Center. The cost is $80 per couple, (no Checks), for a private class taught in your home. These classes are currently limited to 6 couples per class to allow for social distancing. Additional classes are added if the class reached capacity.
Refer to Our Website Calendar for Current Class Schedules, Instructors Contact Information for Registration, and Class Fees.
You may also make inquiries at Katy Birth Center by phone at 832-437-5876